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Monday, April 13, 2015

What is this fascination with film locations?

Obviously, I'm not alone in trying to figure out where a particular scene from one of my favourite movies may have been filmed. Check out this blog:
Dear Old Hollywood

Interesting finds, and a score for the Palomino. Too bad it's no longer a club, I would have liked to have checked it out for myself.

But, in googling EWWBL locations, one place that others seemed to be looking for but not finding was Sybil's, the diner where the Black Widows get their butts kicked by a group of truckers.
Maybe it's just me, but I'd love to have an omelette or a breakfast burrito in this location. Anyway, one of the convenient things about obtaining a digital copy of a movie is the ability to freeze each frame and easily page back and forth until you find what you're looking for.

And, here's what I found:

There it was, an address. And, once again- google proves what an amazing tool it is, the digital frosting on the cake which is this computer age of ours. A quick search turned up:
And, just like that- there it is at 12192 San Fernando Road in Sylmar, California. Conveniently, not far from Pacoima. No wonder the Widows liked to eat there.
"You want to eat, take a seat."
"You want to talk, take a walk."


  1. This is awesome! Thanks for sharing the link over at Dear Old Hollywood! I have to swing pass that area sometime.

  2. For many years I myself wondered where SYBIL'S was ..thanks for address and info

  3. The diner is called Olympia. Address is 12192 San Fernando Rd, Sylmar, CA 91342. Google Map it and use Satellite view.
